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Location: Hermosillo, Mexico

Life insists on imposing itself like a bad house guest. I still look for meaning when most people around me are just trying to find the breaks. I'm attempting both and laughing so I don't cry. No one reads this sh*t.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

If it's all the same to you...

 I hate feeling cheated.

I mean, I don't mind when something happened in a way that I expected, I guess the real hate is for unmet expectations or things that go over my head. Then again, what doesn't go over your head is innevitably gonna hit you, right? How is that any better?

Anyway, I recently got a book on my Kindle based on a single line someone posted on social media. It was a line of smut. Which made me crave smut. Shut up, I can hear you judging.

So I got the book and ended up reading the whole thing in a day. The headache was spectacular, I really need to get decent glasses. And when I finished I thought wow, this could really help me catch up with my reading goals for the year, just download a bunch of fluffy smut instead of pretending to catch up with my neverending list of unforgivable classics I have never read and probably never will.

I got another book right after and started reading right away, and lo and behold... it was the same damn story. Well, like, not at all, but the tropes were so clear-cut I was stunned. I need to experiment with a few more of these books because if they are that formulaic that means they are bottom-rung simple to write and they sell well. Fill in the blanks, dear reader.


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