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Location: Hermosillo, Mexico

Life insists on imposing itself like a bad house guest. I still look for meaning when most people around me are just trying to find the breaks. I'm attempting both and laughing so I don't cry. No one reads this sh*t.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Bullets are the new bubblegum

There are a ton of stupid fads out there right now.

The latest one everyone initially jumped on and is now questioning is the 10 year challenge. And I think everyone jumped on it because it's so simple; just post side-by-side pics of you in 2009 and one of you at the start of this brave new year. The only reason I hadn't done it before everyone went all conspiracy theorist on it was because I had been straight up lazy about it. Or maybe just caught up in all the work. Or maybe there is a God and he likes to keep me safe from Big Brother.

Now everyone thinks face recognition databases are updating their files to newer pics, perhaps in an effort to gauge how "Project Fat and Bitter" is coming along.

So, no, I didn't jump into that one... other current fads include bashing the movie Roma, being against ads that bash toxic masculinity (the people who say this aparently believe now men only come in two flavors: toxic and frail), being polarized over the gasoline situation, and loving The Good Place. EDIT: and also hating Marie Kondo for her 30 book policy. Like people have never heard of Kindles.

A more quiet pinterest fad out there that I *have* jumped into is bullet journaling. You know this one. You get a fancy notebook with dots instead of lines and a ton of exquisite stationery you have no idea how to use -except to make squiggles, wonky cursive and that fancy S from grade school- and go to town organizing every conceivable aspect of your sad life. The point I guess is to gather the various tasks and routines that run amock through your head on the daily and give them a home in neatly categorized layouts in one place. The advantage this has over regular agendas or notebooks is that you can customize the layouts and also live out your quiet but undying desire to own expensive stationery you don't know how to use.

So I started with a basic kit, and quickly discovered that not splurging for the expensive stuff comes with consequences. Fine points bleed because I didn't hack out for the $20 notebook with a name that sounds straight out of an Ikea catalog and the paper that could shield your eyes from landmine shrapnel. My tiny ruler is a mite too short for lenghtwise lines. My pulse is now the stuff of professional salt shakers. My latent OCD tests what's left of my patience after 20 years of teaching as I struggle to make EVERY. BOX. THE. SAME. SIZE. 

So once I deal and come to terms with all of that, I do the basic layouts and realize the one where one writes monthly goals is the one that has me stumped. I have never set goals for myself (surprise, surprise), but not because I have no aspirations, just because my obsessive brain doesn't need to say it wants something in order to get it done; it just runs the stoplights and acts surprised when a new skill or objective is acquired. 

This time I want to try it the normal way. So along with a bunch of others things I might never accomplish and didn't buy even as I was writing them down I snuck in a real one: I want to start blogging again. I'm not gonna just bite this bullet, I'm gonna blow bubbles with it. This should have been my third post this week but oh well, like so many things in life work for those whose brain is not mine: baby steps.

Also see:
My Amazon Bullet Journal WishList


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