Deliciously Kooky, Disturbingly Spooky
You know
that thing where you’re in your car and you drive by an accident site? Like, glass
and twisted metal, possibly some mystery fluids all over the place, the flash
of ambulance lights and all that… and you sloooooow down as much as possible
without stopping so you can scope out the site? Have you ever done that while
you’re walking?! Is that one of the dumbest looking things we can do as human
beings? You know, walking with brisk, determined steps to a set destination and
seeing something strange or out of place but not having the time to stop and
stare like an idiot so you just kinda rubberneck and take an odd step or two
slower? Like… be serious, did anyone see me do that this morning?
I did this
thing last week where I was trying to get a group of kids to settle down so we
could walk in line to recess and they weren’t listening to my shushing, so I
just put out a finger and since they’re ignoring me anyway I just kinda stare
at my finger and make sprinkler noises… you know, like “tch tch tch tch…
tssshhhhh… tsssh tch tch tch… ttttcccchhhh” while I move my finger back and
forth like a sprinkler… I legit did that for like 10 straight seconds and when
I looked up they were all DEAD SILENT. I like that, I like to keep that
whimsical balance between “My teacher is kinda cool and kooky” and “This bitch
is gonna peel off her skin one day and dangle us by our ankles off the third
story window with her sixteen slimy alien tentacles”.
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