If you have to ask, you don't deserve to know

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Location: Hermosillo, Mexico

Life insists on imposing itself like a bad house guest. I still look for meaning when most people around me are just trying to find the breaks. I'm attempting both and laughing so I don't cry. No one reads this sh*t.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tell me something I don't know...

stuck in the 90's

Your Taste in Music:

90's Alternative: Highest Influence
80's Alternative: High Influence
90's R&B: High Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
Adult Alternative: Medium Influence

teh apprentice

You Are a Learning Cook

You've got the makings of an excellent cook, and the desire to be one.
But right now, you're just lacking the experience. You couldn't be a top chef yet, but you could be an apprentice.

good one

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.

Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.

With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody.

not a psycho

You Are 32% Sociopath

From time to time, you may be a bit troubled and a bit too charming for your own good.
It's likely that you're not a sociopath... just quite smart and a bit out of the mainstream!

scarily true... except for the car. I guess no car is worse than a piece of crap, tho...

Your 2005 Song Is

Beverly Hills by Weezer

"My automobile is a piece of crap
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me"

You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style!

not totally convinced...

Your Band Name is:

The Queen of Cafeteria


Your Love Element Is Water

In love, you connect deeply and commit totally.
For you, love is all about taking risks and moving into unknown territory.

You attract others with courage and confidence.
Your flirting style is defined by your flexibility and ability to adapt.

Nurturing and shared learning are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while you may jump in to love too quickly, you always come out the wiser for it.

You connect best with: Metal

Avoid: Earth

You And another Water element: will pull each other down into a dark place

cool... mi numero favorito

You Are 5: The Investigator

You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker.

You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does.

Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations.

You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it.

a little change will do you good

You've Changed 64% in 10 Years

Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal.
In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


"Que paso pues?? Escribe algo en el blog!"

"... es que no tengo tiempo"

"Aja, si pretextos siempre hay un ch*ngo"


Pero luego me acuerdo de esa amiga que ahora estuvo con los sesos hechos licuado confundiendo los sietes con los nueves a la hora de planear. -"Aaaaay!! dos grupos!!" -"Que no era lo que querias pues? You know, trabajar?"

Total, no se le entiende a la gente... ahi estaba yo ayer pensando lo mucho que me gusta ahora mi trabajo, ahora que tengo muchas cosas que hacer y que tengo que arreglarmelas para que el tiempo rinda. Es bueno no tener tiempo para pensar, hace todo mucho mas facil.

Ya que si me piden que lo piense, mi dia queda mas o menos asi:

-Cabeceada durante la reunion de la maƱana
-Coca cola
-Prender computadora
-Sacar pendientes del dia
-Elaborar formatos
-Elaborar mas formatos
-Planear clases
-Un jueguito de buscaminas (que casi nunca termino)
-Llamada telefonica que deriva en platiquita con la secre
-Entrevistar maestro
-Medirse la camiseta pal uniforme nuevo, perder la mitad del maquillaje en el proceso
-Recibir otro maestro, darle el grand tour de las instalaciones, perder 3 kilos de agua en el proceso
-Entrevistita con el coordinador general (pedir dinero)
-Salir a la papeleria por libros de planeacion engargolados
-Tomar el fresco en la oficina hasta que la ceguera por insolacion desaparezca
-Repartir libros de planeacion
-Segunda coca cola
-Mas formatos
-Mas planeacion

Eso fue ayer, cuando sali contentisima. Ahora no di ni la mitad de las vueltas y el dia se me hizo eterno. Bendito trabajo...

o sera que hoy no comi gansito?