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Location: Hermosillo, Mexico

Life insists on imposing itself like a bad house guest. I still look for meaning when most people around me are just trying to find the breaks. I'm attempting both and laughing so I don't cry. No one reads this sh*t.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jive talkin'

Mis alumnos me preguntaron hoy un sinonimo en ingles para la palabra "chaka". Como no les puedo permitir utilizar su spanglish-eado "chak", me he dado a la tarea de buscarles la definicion en el diccionario urbano.

Desgraciadamente, el diccionario urbano no tiene traductor, ni diccionario de sinonimos.

Aun asi es divertido checar definiciones en random.

1. Antarctica: The only place on Earth I can get some fucking peace and quiet.

2. booch: To swallow, comes from the spanish word buche.
lisa was boochin my cock four straight hours yesterday

(pardon me while I go laugh my ass off)

3. Hilary Duff: A girl who got a record deal based on her already-present fame, rather than vocal talent.
Her voice is horrible, despite the digital altering. Hilary Duff makes Britney Spears sound like Mariah Carey.
And, on top of that, Hilary doesn't even write her own songs (which is a scary thought anyway). Her singing is pretty much monotone; she has a pathetic voice range.
Let's just say that she wouldn't stand a chance on American Idol.
(on American Idol, before Hilary's fame)
Hilary: Today I'll be performing "Why Not" for you! Omigosh, I'm sooo gonna be the next American Idol.
Paula: We're ready when you're ready.
Hilary (singing): Why not, take a crazy chance, why not, do a crazy dance---
Simon: Spare us! STOP! My GOD, you sound like a dying goat! Agh, my ears..
Hilary: B-b-but, I'm like, so pretty!

4. grunge: In the early and mid 1980s, grunge was a subgenre of punk that included bands such as Green River, The Melvins and Soundgarden. Though these bands did combine elements of heavy metal and punk, the term was mainly coined to describe the murky and dirty guitar sound. Eventually, grunge was used to describe a fashion style, which consisted of torn and faded jeans, flannel shirts, and ratty t-shirts, as well as bands such as Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, and Alice in Chains.
Grunge is dead ;_;

5. Douche: 1. George W. Bush, president of the United States.
2. Product used to sanitize an unpleasant, dirty vagina.
See also [douchebag]. Definition 1 also applies to [douchebag].

6. Star Wars: The epic story about the dysfuctional Skywalker family.

7. sizzurp:
An alcoholic drink consisting of the following:

1. Robitussin AC (Prescription Only)
2. Vodka
3. Rum
4. Big Red Soda (Or Other Red Soda)
5. Jolly Ranchers Red

People get fucked up with this shit son!
(I just KNOW someone's gonna try this...)

8. Jesuits: God's personal Marine Corps.

9. chingada: a) A mythical place which is very, very, very, I MEAN VERY far away... In Mexico, when someone sends you there, is indeed sending you a strong message to bugger off for good. If you don't take heed, most likely you'll be next fucking your mom (chingando a tu madre).
b) Mythical mom who delivered you though her asshole cuz her cunt was too busy fucking the niggers in the hood. In Mexico, if someone tells you that you are his son (eres un hijo de la chingada!) this person is saying you have the character defects that one would think would result from such a stressful birth.

y, por supuesto...

10. feminazi:
1) a feminist who refuses to subscribe to logic
2) a manhater
3) dislikes all men because of the societal pressures women face, but is unwilling to concede to the fact that the sentiment is perpetuated by both sexes
4) aggressive towards men because of their sex
5) promoter of reverse sexual discrimination; often feels her sexism is justified because of the "attrocities endured by women"
6) does not adhere to the philosophy of feminism, but instead promotes a simplified, inaccurate, uniformed view.


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